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IT Contracts Negotiation

BLITZ UP establishes technical specifications in support of IT contract negotiations, between companies and providers of IT infrastructure, applications, services, maintenance or outsourcing.

Experience acquired over multiple investigations conducted on behalf of different Belgian courts has made us keenly aware of the importance of establishing precise and detailed technical contract specifications, to avoid contentious situations during contract execution.


Within the context of outsourcing or Merger & Acquisition contracts, we conduct due diligence of the IT capability of target companies, to evaluate its strengths, weaknesses and risks, with the objective of avoiding “bad” surprises. The audit covers the following areas:

  • Installed software and applications

  • Network and infrastructure

  • Cyber-security

  • Intellectual property

  • IT supply contracts, service and maintenance contracts, licenses of installed software, ….

Cécile Blitz -  Membre de la Chambre Belge des Experts chargés de Missions Judiciaires et Arbitrages


Tel. +32 475 360676

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